My name is Yury Isachenkov, and I am from Russia. Throughout my life, I have been fascinated with the construction of various buildings and structures. As a child, I loved watching cranes at work, and during my university years, I ran around construction sites with a theodolite, doing surveying work. My passion was always in designing load-bearing structures made of metal. I started my career in this field and learned a lot. I enjoyed designing industrial structures, but after two years, I realized I had designed square kilometers of factories, yet I couldn't even see them. I wanted to see the results of my work, so I moved to the civil sector. I constantly took on new challenges to continue growing as a specialist in my field.

During my time at the design bureau, I had the opportunity to work on iconic projects in Moscow, where I lived and worked. I remember walking around the city with friends in my free time, proudly pointing out the museum I helped reconstruct and the shopping center roof I designed. It was very fulfilling. Six months later, there was a split among the engineers at the company, and our team moved to a new company specializing in modular home construction. I worked with engineers on developments and innovations in modular construction. We did many pilot assemblies, and what I enjoyed most was frequently visiting the factory to oversee how the workers assembled the structures we designed. This gave me a lot of experience, and now, when I design, I always think about the people who will construct it. This is very important. We work not only for those who will use our work but also for those who will build it. We must also consider the main client to save their money.

I was also interested in transitioning to BIM management, overseeing the design process, and I took many programming courses, eventually earning a .NET developer certificate.
In 2022, when the war started in Russia, my wife and I had to leave the country because we did not support the violence and killings in the neighboring country. I was fortunate to join a startup where I continue to work part-time. I learned a lot there, working with databases, internet queries, and writing plugins for many engineering structures, from Revit and Tekla to Solidworks and IFC. Now I live in Chile, have been learning Spanish for a year and a half, and now speak four languages: English, French, Spanish, and Russian.

I participated in the international student organization AEGEE, and cultural understanding and mutual respect have always been essential in my life. I have visited many countries in Europe, been to the Middle East, and made it to South America. This is the story of my life. If you've read this far, we are already like close friends. I would love to hear your story and learn how you came into your field.

Let's get to know each other!
Thank you!